Indie Biz Wish List

Hi readers, do you have a spare umbrella? It has been raining all day in a very odd bout of winter weather. However, it is keeping with the whole not really feeling like Christmas atmosphere. So why not make another wish list? 😅 I don't really like giving my money to places that already have a …

July 2018 Picks

Monthly Picks Pin

Hello followers, have you checked in with your friends? I know it's summer. Maybe it's the heat? But I just feel kind of in the dumps. Maybe I should've actually watched the World Cup? I feel like buying something, but you know me. I can never justify just buying something, and I'm really indecisive.  But I …

Cambio & Co.

Heydilly ho, followinos! How was your Mother's Day? As I was considering what to get my mom this year, I thought about continuing my theme from Christmas-- giving less material goods but donating to organizations on behalf of my giftees. I did still want to give something and since I've seen companies employing artisans in poverty-stricken …

Fall Chill

Fall Outfit

It's technically fall here in Florida which honestly means hurricane season. I hope everyone affected by Hurricane Matthew is staying safe. Besides freaking forces of nature, we've been very unpredictable. It can be cool in the morning but then sizzling or raining in the afternoon 😒  The equinox has passed, so I'm going to wear booties, damn it! …


Fall Transition

My dad had a little reunion with his high school buds back in his hometown, so I had to pick him up from the airport. I'm not much of a driver, so I'm pretty proud of myself for being able to navigate it. This is actually the mall because I didn't feel like driving back to …


My heritage has always been important to me and while it can be incredibly generalizing to paint all of the Philippines as "poor" that is just personally from where my family comes. Certain images and traits like charity have been seared into my personality, but donations can be problematic (e.g., corrupt organizations). That's why I'm interested in …

eBay Haul

Sailor Moon Purse

I feel like we've all heard eBay horror stories, right? People taking money, items don't look like their pictures... As much as I like its more precise filters, I just feel like I don't usually find anything on eBay. However, I saw someone share this Sailor Moon purse, and I simply had to have it. Amy Dunne …