1930s Under $30

1930s Under $30

Heyhey readers, you ever feel like not blogging? I had a pretty decent list of post ideas for last week but was rather busy and was just not particularly enthusiastic to write any of them. After a more analytical blog, I did want to do something more light but was honestly more interested in... the …

My #Pokemon20

Pokemon turned twenty years old last month, and while I can barely name a pocket monster beyond the original 151, the franchise still occupies such a space in my heart that I'm really disappointed Pokemon Go didn't come out on the 26th??? So in honor of feeling like an ancient Kabuto fossil, I wanted to …

Blogging Bad (Fashion)

If you're familiar with AMC's drama Breaking Bad, you may have heard about a Colombian remake called Metastasis. The program began airing in los Estados Unidos this summer and is already in the Bad's fourth season storylines due to the near-daily new episode format of popular telenovelas. I only know a handful of Spanish ("No son piedras, Maria. Son MINERALES"), but …